Client-side data

Client-side data is data added after page load. This can be data coming from other internal pages, a REST API or a GraphQL API. It's important to only load your data in the mounted hook to prevent it from being included in the generated markup.

Fetch from internal pages

Fetch page-query results and page context from other internal pages. The following example fetches data from /other-page and stores the results.

export default {
  data () {
    return {
      otherPage: null
  async mounted () {
    try {
      const results = await this.$fetch('/other-page')
      this.otherPage =
    } catch (error) {

The fetch method can also be imported from gridsome.

import { fetch } from 'gridsome'

export default {
  async mounted () {
    const results = await fetch('/other-page')

Read more about the $fetch() method.

Fetch from REST API

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Fetch from GraphQL API

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Fetch from local YAML files

The following example fetches local YAML files within .vue templates:

  1. Create a YAML file in /src/data folder. For example: products.yaml
  2. Add import products from @/data/products.yaml before export default function.
  3. Add the data from the YAML file to the data layer by creating a new object key products and defining it with the just imported products. Since the object key and the value are the same, we can destructure to just products.
  <ul v-for="product in products">
    <li v-html="product.title"/>

import products from '@/data/products.yaml'

export default {
  data() {
    return {

Fetch from local JSON files

The following example fetches local JSON data within .vue templates:

  1. Create a JSON file in /src/data folder. For example: users.json
  2. Add import products from @/data/users.json before export default function.
  3. Add the data from the JSON file to the data layer by creating a new object key users and defining it with the just imported users. Since the object key and the value are the same, we can destructure to just users.
  <ul v-for="user in users">
    <li v-html=""/>

import users from '@/data/users.json'

export default {
  data() {
    return {
