Pages API

The Pages API lets you create custom pages. This API is called after the GraphQL schema has been generated so you can query nodes and create pages from them or any other data.

Start by using the api.createPages() hook in gridsome.server.js:

module.exports = function (api) {
  api.createPages(({ createPage, graphql }) => {
    // Create pages here

Create a page

Use the createPages hook if you want to create pages. Pages created in this hook will be re-created and garbage collected occasionally. Use the createManagedPages below to have more control over when pages are updated or deleted manually.


  • options object

    • path string Required.
    • component string Required.
    • context object Optional context for the page and page-query.
    • queryVariables object Optional context only for page-query.
module.exports = function (api) {
  api.createPages(({ createPage }) => {
      path: '/my-page',
      component: './src/templates/MyPage.vue'

Create managed pages

Pages created in the createPages hook will be re-created and garbage collected occasionally. That's why that hook is only able to create pages. You can use a createManagedPages hook to create, update and remove pages yourself.

module.exports = function (api) {
  api.createManagedPages(({ createPage }) => {
      path: '/my-page',
      component: './src/templates/MyPage.vue'


  • options object

    • path string Required.
    • component string Required.
    • context object Optional context for the page and page-query.
    • queryVariables object Optional context only for page-query.

Create a new page.


Removed a page created by createPage.


Removes a page matching the provided path.


Removes all pages matching the provided component path.


Removes all pages matching the provided query.


Returns all pages matching the provided query.


Returns first pages matching the provided query.

The page context

Each page can have a context which will be available as variables for page-query. The context will also be available in the page component as $context. If you only want the context to be available for page-query, use the queryVariables option instead of context.

Example usage
module.exports = function (api) {
  api.createPages(({ createPage }) => {
      path: '/my-page',
      component: './src/templates/MyPage.vue',
      context: {
        customValue: '...'

Use the context in the page component or as variables in page-query.

    <h1>{{ $context.customValue }}</h1>

query MyPage($customValue: String) {

Example usage

Create pages from GraphQL

module.exports = function (api) {
  api.createPages(async ({ graphql, createPage }) => {
    const { data } = await graphql(`{
      allProduct {
        edges {

    data.allProduct.edges.forEach(({ node }) => {
        path: `${node.path}/reviews`,
        component: './src/templates/ProductReviews.vue',
        context: {

Create pages from external APIs

We use createManagedPages in this example because we doesn't need the pages to be re-created on changes. The template also uses the context for rendering data instead of GraphQL results.

module.exports = function (api) {
  api.createManagedPages(async ({ createPage }) => {
    const { data } = await axios.get('')

    data.forEach(item => {
        path: item.path,
        component: './src/templates/Post.vue',
        context: {
          title: item.title,
          content: item.content
    <h1>{{ $context.title }}</h1>
    <div v-html="$context.content"></div>
