
Gridsome has a built-in <g-image> component that outputs an optimized progressive image. It also resizes and crops in real-time when developing.

A typical image component will look like this:

<g-image src="~/image.png" width="500"/>

💡 ~ is an alias to /src/ folder.

📣 Only local, relative image paths will be compressed by Gridsome.

How it works

  • A IMG element with a source srcset is used. This means that using several media queries, you load the smallest image that matches your device (e.g. mobile devices get smaller images, desktop devices get larger images, etc.). The images will be resized down to 480, 1024, 1920 and 2560 pixels by default.
  • A base64 blurred image loaded by default. This makes: 1) Larger images outside the viewport are not requested until they’re needed, and 2) The blurred image is in a container with the same dimensions as the real image—therefore, no jumping when the image loads.
  • An Intersection Observer that swaps the base image for the larger image, when the image is in the viewport. (Lazy loading).

Usage in Vue templates

A <g-image> component is available in all your Vue templates and can be used to compress local images. The src attribute and options like width, height and quality must be static values because they are compiled into an object which contains URLs and other information that will be rendered into an img tag.

<g-image src="~/assets/image.png" width="500"/>

Usage via GraphQL

Local image paths from sources can also be compressed. Options like width, height and quality must be set in the query. The field can be passed to g-image as the src attribute.

    <g-image :src="$" />

query BlogPost ($id: String!) {
  post: blogPost (id: $id) {
    image (width: 720, height: 200, quality: 90)

Usage in Markdown

The gridsome-transformer-remark transformer plugin automatically converts normal Markdown images to g-image compatible markup.

![Alternative text](./image.jpg)

Image cropping

Crop the image by settings both width and height attributes. The image will be cropped to cover both dimensions by default. Change how to crop with the fit attribute.

<g-image src="./image.png" width="500" height="500" fit="contain"/>


Property Default
src required Relative path to image file
width Resize image to specified width in pixels
height Crop & resize image to specified height in pixels
alt Alternate text for the image
fit "cover" How to crop images. See properties below.
background Background color for 'contain'
immediate false Set to true to disable lazy-loading
blur 40 How much in px to blur the image placeholder
quality 75 The quality of the image. (0 - 100).

Fit options

cover Crop to cover both provided dimensions (default).
contain Embed within both provided dimensions.
fill Ignore the aspect ratio of the input and stretch to both provided dimensions.
inside Preserving aspect ratio, resize the image to be as large as possible while ensuring its dimensions are less than or equal to both those specified.
outside Preserving aspect ratio, resize the image to be as small as possible while ensuring its dimensions are greater than or equal to both those specified.
