Server API
Create a gridsome.server.js
at root in your project or plugin in order to use the Server API. The file must export a function that will receive an API which allows it to hook into various parts of Gridsome. The second argument is options from the plugin entry in gridsome.config.js
will be loaded instead if nogridsome.server.js
file is found.
function MyPlugin (api, options) { // ... } MyPlugin.defaultOptions = () => ({ option: 'value' }) module.exports = MyPlugin
The file can also export a class instead.
class MyPlugin { static defaultOptions () { return { option: 'value' } } constructor (api, options) { // ... } } module.exports = MyPlugin
Load data from local files or external APIs and create content types and nodes of it. The data will then be available in your GraphQL queries.
module.exports = function (api) { api.loadSource(store => { // Use Data Store API here }) }
Create pages programmatically from nodes or other data. The handler for this hook will be re-executed when nodes are changed in store. Pages that are not re-created will be garbage collected.
module.exports = function (api) { api.createPages(pages => { // Create pages }) }
Create, update and remove pages programmatically from nodes or other data. Unlike createPages
, this hook will only run once and pages will not be garbage collected.
module.exports = function (api) { api.createManagedPages(pages => { // Create, update or remove pages }) }
Configure the internal webpack config.
The object will be merged with the internal config if it is an object.
api.configureWebpack({ // add config here })
If the option is a function, it will get the internal config as its first argument. You can either modify the argument or return a new config object that will override the internal webpack config.
api.configureWebpack(config => { return merge({ /* custom config */ }, config) })
A function that will receive an instance of ChainableConfig powered by webpack-chain.
api.chainWebpack(config => { // modify config here })
Gridsome runs an Express server during development. Use this hook to add custom endpoints or configure the server.
api.configureServer(app => { app.get('/my-endpoint', (req, res) => { res.send('Hello, world!') }) })
Read more about the Express Application API
Create a custom GraphQL schema which will be merged with the Gridsome schema.
api.createSchema(({ addSchema, graphql }) => { addSchema(new graphql.GraphQLSchema({ query: new graphql.GraphQLObjectType({ name: 'CustomRootQuery', fields: { // ... } }) })) })
- options
Any value which can be serialized byJSON.stringify
Set custom options for the client. Will use options from the plugin entry if not used.
module.exports = function (api, options) { api.setClientOptions({ customOption: options.value }) }