
Templates are used for single post views to GraphQL collections. Add a .vue file with the same name as a GraphQL collection to src/templates to create a template. For example, if you have a collection called "WordPressPost" you create a WordPressPost.vue file.

You can browse available collections in the schema tab inside the GraphQL explorer.

The example shows a Blog.vue in /pages where Blog posts will be listed and then a BlogPost.vue inside /templates that will show the single post view.

Page structure

Creating templates

Templates must have a <page-query> block which fetches the source node for the current page. You can use the $id variable to get the node.

<!-- src/templates/WordPressPost.vue -->

  <Layout :title="$page.post.title">
    <div v-html="$page.post.content">

query Post ($id: String!) {
  post: wordPressPost (id: $id) {

import Layout from '~/layouts/Default.vue'

export default {
  components: {
  metaInfo () {
    return {
      title: this.$page.post.title

Template layouts

The <Layout> component is an optional component used to wrap pages and templates. Layouts usually contain components like headers, footers or sidebars that will be used across the site. It should be imported to Pages & Templates like any other Vue components.

The page/template layout can be named anything. <Layout> is just an example.

Learn more about Layouts

